Glavach &  Associates

Phonics and Whole Language Together, Matthew J. Glavach, Ph.D.


GA310  PHONICS AND WHOLE LANGUAGE TOGETHER                                                                               Amazon $7.95


Phonics and Whole Language Together for Reading Instruction presents a successful approach to reading that includes phonics and the whole language. While providing the basics of phonics instruction, the focus of instruction is on learning to read with real books. The program is based on a research project with over 600 students, most of them struggling readers who were not responding to or struggled greatly with phonics. They learned to read, and their phonics and spelling improved. Whole language has prosody, the music of language, that motivates children to learn to read.

The book includes step-by -step instructions on how to set up the program and hundreds of reading practice activities.

One of many testimonials about the program follows,  follows,

 "I can honestly say that as a principal of 17 years and as a former reading specialist, I have never before seen such positive results with so many children who have had severe reading problems. It is an absolute joy to listen to them read with fluency and understanding. They suddenly feel competent, motivated and excited about reading.” ~School Principal.


Amazon $7.95

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