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Phonics Review 2 Phonics Review 2
Each Program includes 8 lessons on a CD disk.
Program includes 8 lessons

Direct Phonics Instruction
The power to decode thousands of words.
Includes: consonant combinations, vowel combinations and more.
Grades 2+

Teacher Guide and workbook FREE DOWNLOAD
Student Lessons, Eight 25 to 40 Minute Files

Phonics Review 2
All 8 Lessons, $7.90
Click to Listen Right Click to Download
Note: Information for download of product will be ovided in an email after receipt of payment. (The email with download information is sent daily.)
Lesson 1 - Consonant Combinations
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  Lesson 2 - Long Vowels
Click to Listen Right Click to Download
  Lesson 3 - Vowels +R
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  Lesson 4 - Vowel Diphthongs
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  Lesson 5 - Sounds of AW and Y as a Vowel
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  Lesson 6 - Silent and Variant Consonants
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  Lesson 7 - Prefixes, Suffixes, and Syllables
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  Lesson 8 - Phonics Check
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For more information about this program, go to product page.

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