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Latin & Greek Word Roots, Grade 5+ 

This program is completely laid out for ease of use and my seventh and eighth grade co-op students really enjoyed it ----- and learned a lot of new words!
Christine Field, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

A Course of Study in

Improves decoding, spelling, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Engages students and teaches word roots the building blocks for words.

Presents hundreds of word roots that  translate to understanding thousands of words.

Each lesson presents a word pattern chart, discovery puzzles, word cards, art activities, and practice and review quizzes.

NOTE: The Latin and Greek Word Roots, Grade 5 - High School and Grade 6 - High School have been renamed from Latin and Greek Word Roots,  Book 1 (GA 119) and Latin and Greek Word Roots, Book 2. (GA 122).

GA119 - Print Version
$14.95 Available at Amazon $8.95 for Kindle

See Glavach & Associates
 Whole Catalog


As 7th grade Language Arts teachers, we were delighted when we found your
book Greek and Latin Roots. We have been struggling with "to spell or not
to spell" in 7th grade. The traditional word lists seemed to be working for
fewer and fewer students. Because our year long focus is on vocabulary
strategies, not just rule memorization, this book fit right in. We have
used it all year with our 7th graders and hear positive comments from them
(amazing!) and from other core content teachers who are picking up these
roots in content vocabulary as well. We are considering using Book 2 with
8th grade next year. Thank you for filling this need so well.

Ginny Struble
Sandra Moore
Christine Smith

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