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Latin & Greek Word Roots, Grade 6+ 

This explicit and systematic approach to teaching Greek and Latin roots opens students' awareness of language.  They see connections between the parts of the whole of a word.  They'll find the "ah-ha' of a word.

Jessie Kroeck, High School English and Reading Teacher


Latin and Greek word roots uses the successful active learning design of course one that engages students and teaches word roots, the building blocks for words.

 Latin and Greek Word Roots 2 helps middle school and high school students improve their decoding, spelling, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.

 It's built on words from middle and high school core curriculums, science, history and literature and  includes word roots that can unlock the meanings of over 100,000 words.

 Each lesson presents a word pattern chart, discovery puzzles, word cards, art activities, and practice and review quizzes.

 135-page book of reproducible masters for individual classroom use.

NOTE: The Latin and Greek Word Roots, Grade 5 - High School and Grade 6 - High School have been renamed from Latin and Greek Word Roots,  Book 1 (GA 119) and Latin and Greek Word Roots, Book 2. (GA 122).


GA122 Print Version
For middle and high school.
Print Version Coming Soon to Amazon!
$8.95 - Kindle Version

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