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Learn to Read Without Phonics

GA310 Learn to Read Without Phonics

Learn to Read Without Phonics

Learn to Read Without Phonics shows that children can learn to read by reading books in a special way, a way that makes it possible for them to learn to read without explicit phonics instruction. Learn to Read Without Phonics teaches reading with real books, popular books by popular authors, and includes a variety of students, most of them struggling readers. The program has led to dramatic reading successes. The authors' research included over six-hundred children in grades one through five. The children had a variety of reading difficulties; most could not grasp the letter and sound relationships of phonemics and phonics.The program includes everything needed to teach children to read with popular children's books and includes nineteen graded stories for student practice.

Helps students read quickly, effortlessly, and efficiently with good, meaningful expression.

Promotes student success in academic classes.

Includes oral and silent speed reading.

May be copied for individual classroom use

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