

Success for Struggling Readers
Literacy for Everyone

Matthew Glavach, Ph.D.

Zoe Gillespie Glavach, B.S.

  • Academic Success

When students reach middle school, subject matter demands are greater. Academic success depends on ability to interpret informational texts. Ability to interpret informational texts begins with accurate and fluent reading.

  • Comprehension

Much current reading focus for older struggling readers is on teaching comprehension. Dr. Glavach’s research and work show that focusing only on comprehension does not address the underlying problems that most struggling readers have with comprehension.

  • Comprehension Problems

Comprehension problems often are the result of inaccurate word recognition and poor reading fluency. If students do not recognize words fast enough and read fluently, the words are gone from short-term memory and meaning is lost. Dr. Glavach discovered that when comprehension and the underlying problems of decoding and fluency are addressed, middle school and high school are not too late for students to learn to read well.

  •  Core Class Success

Programs that Dr. Glavach wrote while teaching for five years in a large urban public high school reading laboratory were successful beyond his expectations. Students made dramatic progress. Over half of the reading laboratory students made 3 to 5 years progress in one year, and most were successful in core academic classes. (For more information about the student success, refer to the book How to Short-Circuit Reading Intervention available on Amazon.com)

  • First Lady Laura Bush Visit

In 2005, Core Reading was among programs chosen by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) for a possible visit by First Lady Laura Bush. 

  • Struggling Readers Become Successful Readers

Dr. Glavach’s research and work prove that middle school and high school are not too late for students to learn to read with fluency and comprehension.

 Matthew Glavach, Ph.D., teacher, researcher, and writer, has authored and coauthored over 40 educational programs, including Reading with Donny and Marie Osmond, an original music based reading program for younger readers, and research articles, including “Breaking the Failure Pattern” in the Journal of Learning Disabilities. More recent research articles include “The Brain, Prosody, and Reading Fluency” and “A Reading Strategy for Content Area Teachers, Parallel Reading Intervention” published with the National Association of Special Education Teachers.

In 2005, his reading program Core Reading was among programs chosen by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NICHD, for a possible visit by First Lady Laura Bush.

He is currently on the editorial board of The Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals (JAASEP) an online peer-reviewed journal committed to advancing the professional development of special education professionals.

With his Northern California company Glavach and Associates, (StrugglingReaders.com), Dr. Glavach is committed to improving student literacy.
 Zoe Gillespie Glavach, B.S., has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education with additional study in fine arts and social science. She has had extensive experience as an elementary teacher and has worked in the program development and editorial departments of Edits Publishers and High Interest Teaching Systems, a division of Modulearn, Inc. She works with Glavach and Associates as an editor and an administrative assistant.