Educator Comments

 Dear Dr. Glavach,
Thanks for all your hard work and diligence creating these reading programs.
It is truly people like you that give teachers a great name and students a
better, brighter tomorrow.

Thanks again.  Sincerely, Lynette Spitznogle

Diane Toscano, Reading Consultant

CORE, Consortium on Reading Excellence

Ruth Martin, Project Manager,State & Federal Programs

Heather Garcia-Rossi, High School English and Reading Teacher

Jessie Kroeck, High School English and Reading Teacher

Linsey Hubley, High School English and Reading Teacher

Jodi Hottel, High School Reading Specialist

Jan Freifeld, Continuation High School English Instructor

Geri Gmahling, Title I Middle School English Support Teacher

Donna Dietrich, Resource Specialist Program Instructional Assistant

Dianne Borsi, Middle School ESL Teacher

Ginny Struble, Sandra Moore, Christine Smith, 7th Grade Language Teachers

Christine Field reviews Latin and Greek Roots for The Old School House Magazine

Christine Field reviews Reading the News for The Old School House Magazine

 Ms. L.Z., 3rd Grade

Yields Dramatic Results

Dr. Glavach’s program, Core Reading, has broken the myth that you can’t teach reading at the high school level. He has gone beyond traditional reading programs and developed a highly effective linguistics program to increase students’ reading skills. Many of our students come to the reading lab with a third or fourth grade reading level, and after a semester or year in the program, all students improve their reading and many advance to grade level or above.

Ruth Martin
Project Manager
State and Federal Projects
Is Enjoyed by Students

I am very impressed with the Core Reading program. The students love it. During their independent choice work time, they ask to work on the packets. After Lesson 7 or 8 I almost had to hide the upcoming lesson packets because students were taking them off the shelf before I had a chance to introduce the lesson — to work on them on their own! Each lesson has a similar format, which allows the student to be self-directed and comfortable with what is coming next.

One-on-one time with each student is built into each lesson. This has been a real treat for me as it has been completely “doable.” The 2-3 minutes spent with each student is invaluable; the other students are so involved with other Core activities that management problems are almost non-existent — these struggling readers are engaged!

Geri Gmahling, Title I
Middle School English Support Teacher
Glavach and Associates:
I am an Instructional Assistant working in a Resource Specialist Program. I work with children in kindergarten through third grade levels. My students have specific learning disabilities in visual memory, perception, organization, and sequential skills. Alpha-Bits is an excellent resource that I use to enhance my program and further develop my students learning processes. It�s fun and easy to teach, and my student�s abilities have greatly improved.

 Donna Dietrich
Resource Specialist Program Instructional Assistant

Thanks for producing materials that are truly helpful.

The teachers in our building who have used the Programmed Spelling Review like it very much. Generally, we use the lessons with our ESL students, although some teachers have also used the tapes with native English speakers who happen to be struggling with reading and writing. Teachers like the lessons because they are very self-directed and students can move at their own pace. Not only do the students take in the information by reading and writing, they also hear the words being spoken. Our English language learners find this extremely helpful. I’ll be anxious to peruse your website to see what other materials you have for our ESL students and struggling readers. Thanks for producing materials that are truly helpful.

Dianne Borsi
Middle School ESL Teacher

We were delighted when we found your book Greek and Latin Roots

As 7th grade Language Arts teachers, we were delighted when we found your book Greek and Latin Roots. We have been struggling with “to spell or not to spell” in 7th grade. The traditional word lists seemed to be working for fewer and fewer students. Because our year long focus is on vocabulary strategies, not just rule memorization, this book fit right in. We have
used it all year with our 7th graders and hear positive comments from them (amazing!) and from other core content teachers who are picking up these roots in content vocabulary as well. We are considering using Book 2 with 8th grade next year. Thank you for filling this need so well.

Ginny Struble
Sandra Moore
Christine Smith

The last product I looked at was Latin & Greek Word Roots. This one got completely “Field Tested” as I used it to teach 7th and 8th grade students in a co-op that we were involved with. The program was easy to use and the students enjoyed it. Each week, words are introduced in ABC order. Students make study cards, do worksheets, talk about the derivatives and use the words in their writing. A quiz is provided to test each week’s understanding. Every three weeks, one week is devoted to review, with interesting word searches and other activities provided for study. This program is completely laid out for ease of use and my students really enjoyed it —– and learned a lot of new words!

Product Review by: Christine Field, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine  (Ms. Field’s full review)

Reading the News is an interesting, fun program. It uses Associated Press newspaper articles for starting point reading material for students in middle school through adult. Focusing on newspaper article content rather than boring vocabulary lists, the students begin by following along as an article is read on the audio tape. Activities based on each passage encourage the student to think about questions raised by the piece. Words are previewed before the selection is presented. Then numerous word and comprehension activities are offered based on the passage. I have never seen a program structured like this. It is an engaging, creative way to draw students into reading, comprehension and spelling.

Product Review by: Christine Field, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine    (Ms. Field’s full review)
“Used the 3rd grade Quick Reading Intervention last year with my struggling students…fantastic results!!  It will be part of the whole-class curriculum this year!”   ~ L.Z.